GET breeze/NE/MailTrackings
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
Collection of MailTrackingName | Description | Type | Additional information |
MailTrackingId | integer |
None. |
MailStatusId | byte |
None. |
MailTypeCategoryId | byte |
None. |
MailTypeId | byte |
None. |
EntityNameId | integer |
None. |
EntityId | integer |
None. |
HoldUntilDate | date |
None. |
CreatedBy | integer |
None. |
CreatedDate | date |
None. |
MailHistoryId | integer |
None. |
SentDate | date |
None. |
IsReturned | boolean |
None. |
MailCancelledReasonId | byte |
None. |
MailCancelledBy | integer |
None. |
MailCancelledDate | date |
None. |
IsCancelled | boolean |
None. |
ComplianceDate | date |
None. |
MailRequestNewMails | Collection of MailRequestNewMail |
None. |
EntityName | EntityName |
None. |
MailCancelledReason | MailCancelledReason |
None. |
MailHistory | MailHistory |
None. |
MailHistoryEntity | MailHistoryEntity |
None. |
MailType | MailType |
None. |
MailTypeCategory | MailTypeCategory |
None. |
MailStatus | MailStatus |
None. |
CreatedByUser | User |
None. |
MailCancelledByUser | User |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
[ { "$id": "1", "$type": "NE.Entities.Server.MAIL.MailTracking, NE.Entities.Server", "MailTrackingId": 1, "MailStatusId": 64, "MailTypeCategoryId": 64, "MailTypeId": 64, "EntityNameId": 4, "EntityId": 5, "HoldUntilDate": "2025-03-12T10:53:03.975+00:00", "CreatedBy": 6, "CreatedDate": "2025-03-12T10:53:03.975+00:00", "MailHistoryId": 1, "SentDate": "2025-03-12T10:53:03.975+00:00", "IsReturned": true, "MailCancelledReasonId": 64, "MailCancelledBy": 1, "MailCancelledDate": "2025-03-12T10:53:03.975+00:00", "IsCancelled": true, "ComplianceDate": "2025-03-12T10:53:03.975+00:00", "MailRequestNewMails": [ { "$id": "2", "$type": "NE.Entities.Server.MAIL.MailRequestNewMail, NE.Entities.Server", "MailRequestNewMailId": 1, "EntityId": 2, "EntityNameId": 3, "MailTypeId": 64, "MailTrackingId": 1, "Name": "sample string 5", "AddressLine1": "sample string 6", "AddressLine2": "sample string 7", "City": "sample string 8", "StateId": 9, "Zip": "sample string 10", "Zip4": "sample string 11", "CreatedDate": "2025-03-12T10:53:03.975+00:00", "CreatedBy": 13, "IsCancelled": true, "ModifiedBy": 1, "ModifiedDate": "2025-03-12T10:53:03.975+00:00", "EntityName": { "$id": "3", "$type": "AHS.Server.Entities.EntityName, AHS.Server", "EntityNameId": 1, "Description": "sample string 2", "CodeName": "sample string 3" }, "MailTracking": { "$ref": "1" }, "MailType": { "$id": "4", "$type": "NE.Entities.Server.MAIL.MailType, NE.Entities.Server", "Abbreviation": "sample string 1", "CanMailRequest": true, "CodeName": "sample string 3", "DefaultMailLanguageId": 64, "DefaultMailShopId": 64, "Description": "sample string 5", "DisplayText": "sample string 6", "EntityNameId": 7, "IdealBatchSize": 8, "IsActive": true, "IsApprovalRequired": true, "MailTypeCategoryId": 64, "MailTypeId": 64, "RecordsPerLetter": 64, "SetMailTypeIDParameter": true, "UseBulkMailer": true, "EntityName": { "$ref": "3" }, "MailTypeCategory": { "$id": "5", "$type": "NE.Entities.Server.MAIL.MailTypeCategory, NE.Entities.Server", "MailTypeCategoryId": 64, "Description": "sample string 2", "CodeName": "sample string 3", "MailTrackings": [ { "$ref": "1" }, { "$ref": "1" } ], "MailTypes": [ { "$ref": "4" }, { "$ref": "4" } ] } }, "CreatedByUser": { "$id": "6", "$type": "AHS.Server.Entities.User, AHS.Server", "UserId": 1, "Username": "sample string 2", "FirstName": "sample string 3", "LastName": "sample string 4", "Email": "sample string 5", "IsActive": true, "IsSystem": true, "IsADBased": true, "BusinessUnitId": 9, "PermissionIds": [ 1, 2 ], "FullName": "sample string 3 sample string 4", "BusinessUnit": { "$id": "7", "$type": "AHS.Server.Entities.BusinessUnit, AHS.Server", "BusinessUnitId": 1, "Description": "sample string 2", "IsAHS": true } }, "ModifiedByUser": { "$ref": "6" }, "State": { "$id": "8", "$type": "AHS.Server.Entities.State, AHS.Server", "StateId": 1, "Name": "sample string 2", "Abbreviation": "sample string 3" } }, { "$ref": "2" } ], "EntityName": { "$ref": "3" }, "MailCancelledReason": { "$id": "9", "$type": "NE.Entities.Server.MAIL.MailCancelledReason, NE.Entities.Server", "MailCancelledReasonId": 64, "Description": "sample string 2", "IsComplianceSatisfactory": true, "CodeName": "sample string 4", "MailTrackings": [ { "$ref": "1" }, { "$ref": "1" } ] }, "MailHistory": { "$id": "10", "$type": "NE.Entities.Server.MAIL.MailHistory, NE.Entities.Server", "MailHistoryId": 1, "MailBatchItemId": 2, "SequenceNumber": 3, "ReturnBarcode": "sample string 4", "BMPrintOrder": 1, "NCOAMatchFlagId": 64, "Name": "sample string 5", "AddressLine1": "sample string 6", "AddressLine2": "sample string 7", "City": "sample string 8", "StateName": "sample string 9", "StateId": 10, "Zip": "sample string 11", "Zip4": "sample string 12", "CreatedDate": "2025-03-12T10:53:03.975+00:00", "CreatedBy": 14, "StartPage": 1, "EndPage": 1, "CreatedDay": "2025-03-12T10:53:03.975+00:00", "StoragePath": "sample string 15", "MailHistoryEntities": [ { "$id": "11", "$type": "NE.Entities.Server.MAIL.MailHistoryEntity, NE.Entities.Server", "EntityId": 1, "EntityNameId": 2, "MailHistoryId": 3, "MailTrackingId": 4, "MedicaidId": "sample string 5", "MemberName": "sample string 6", "PersonId": 1, "RowID": 7, "EntityName": { "$ref": "3" }, "MailHistory": { "$ref": "10" }, "MailTracking": { "$ref": "1" } }, { "$ref": "11" } ], "MailTrackings": [ { "$ref": "1" }, { "$ref": "1" } ], "MailBatchItem": { "$id": "12", "$type": "NE.Entities.Server.MAIL.MailBatchItem, NE.Entities.Server", "ApprovedBy": 1, "ApprovedDate": "2025-03-12T10:53:03.975+00:00", "BulkMailedBy": 1, "BulkMailedDate": "2025-03-12T10:53:03.975+00:00", "EnquedDate": "2025-03-12T10:53:03.975+00:00", "EntityLockId": 1, "ExpectedPageCount": 1, "IsApproved": true, "IsPrepareComplete": true, "Label": "sample string 2", "MailBatchId": 3, "MailBatchItemId": 4, "MailFileId": 1, "MailInsertGroupId": 5, "MailLanguageId": 64, "MailTypeId": 64, "PieceCount": 8, "PrintedBy": 1, "PrintedDate": "2025-03-12T10:53:03.975+00:00", "RecordCount": 9, "SentBy": 1, "SentDate": "2025-03-12T10:53:03.975+00:00", "SplitNumber": 64, "WasBMBypassed": true, "MinComplianceDate": "2025-03-12T10:53:03.975+00:00", "MaxComplianceDate": "2025-03-12T10:53:03.975+00:00", "MailBatch": { "$id": "13", "$type": "NE.Entities.Server.MAIL.MailBatch, NE.Entities.Server", "MailBatchId": 1, "CreatedBy": 2, "CreatedDate": "2025-03-12T10:53:03.975+00:00", "MailBatchItems": [ { "$ref": "12" }, { "$ref": "12" } ], "MailFiles": [ { "$id": "14", "$type": "NE.Entities.Server.MAIL.MailFile, NE.Entities.Server", "MailFileId": 1, "MailBatchId": 2, "MailTypeId": 64, "MailLanguageId": 64, "MailInsertGroupId": 1, "Filepath": "sample string 5", "LetterCount": 6, "RecordCount": 7, "CreatedBy": 8, "CreatedDate": "2025-03-12T10:53:03.975+00:00", "PrintedBy": 1, "PrintedDate": "2025-03-12T10:53:03.975+00:00", "PdfPageCount": 1, "RenderJobID": 1, "RenderedDate": "2025-03-12T10:53:03.975+00:00", "IsJobFailed": true, "IsRendered": true, "IsPending": true, "MailBatchItems": [ { "$ref": "12" }, { "$ref": "12" } ], "MailBatch": { "$ref": "13" }, "MailInsertGroup": { "$id": "15", "$type": "NE.Entities.Server.MAIL.MailInsertGroup, NE.Entities.Server", "MailInsertGroupId": 1, "CodeName": "sample string 2", "Description": "sample string 3", "Code": "sample string 4", "MailLanguageId": 64, "MailInsertGroupCategoryId": 64, "MailInsertGroupCategory": { "$id": "16", "$type": "NE.Entities.Server.MAIL.MailInsertGroupCategory, NE.Entities.Server", "MailInsertGroupCategoryId": 64, "CodeName": "sample string 2", "Description": "sample string 3", "MailInsertGroups": [ { "$ref": "15" }, { "$ref": "15" } ] }, "MailLanguage": { "$id": "17", "$type": "NE.Entities.Server.MAIL.MailLanguage, NE.Entities.Server", "MailLanguageId": 64, "Description": "sample string 2", "Code": "sample string 3", "CodeName": "sample string 4", "DisplayInContentEditor": true, "MailInsertGroups": [ { "$ref": "15" }, { "$ref": "15" } ] } }, "MailLanguage": { "$ref": "17" }, "MailType": { "$ref": "4" }, "CreatedByUser": { "$ref": "6" }, "PrintedByUser": { "$ref": "6" } }, { "$ref": "14" } ], "CreatedByUser": { "$ref": "6" } }, "MailFile": { "$ref": "14" }, "MailInsertGroup": { "$ref": "15" }, "MailLanguage": { "$ref": "17" }, "MailType": { "$ref": "4" }, "BulkMailedByUser": { "$ref": "6" }, "PrintedByUser": { "$ref": "6" }, "SentByUser": { "$ref": "6" }, "ApprovedByUser": { "$ref": "6" } }, "CreatedByUser": { "$ref": "6" }, "TempFilePath": "sample string 16" }, "MailHistoryEntity": { "$ref": "11" }, "MailType": { "$ref": "4" }, "MailTypeCategory": { "$ref": "5" }, "MailStatus": { "$id": "18", "$type": "NE.Entities.Server.MAIL.MailStatus, NE.Entities.Server", "MailStatusId": 64, "Description": "sample string 2", "IsFinal": true, "CodeName": "sample string 4", "IsInHistory": true }, "CreatedByUser": { "$ref": "6" }, "MailCancelledByUser": { "$ref": "6" } }, { "$ref": "1" } ]